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Rest Superhero……REST!

HEEEEYYYYY…..been a long time…shouldn’ta left you………….and all that jazz.  😉

Anyhoo…hi…missed you guys!  I’ve been around but yeah…I just realized that I haven’t posted since February.  :-0

Well, the other day, I made a Facebook post about us superheroes needing to rest too.  I feel the need to say it again. The rest revelation came after I decided to wear myself down (cause nobody made me do it).  You see, you gotta know when to say “No.”  And you gotta know that you don’t have to feel bad about it.  Yeah…I know…that’s the hard part.  I’m that way as well, if I’m capable, I often feel obligated to say “YES!!!” because if I don’t, who the heck else is going to do it?!?!??? (sarcasm)  Well, ummmm, sorry to break it to ya, but there are other CAPABLE people out there just waiting on (or hiding from)  the opportunity to show off their capabilities…..and not in that showy, cocky, “sit down somewhere” sorta way either.  Nope…in that “I just wanna be a helpful blessing” kinda way.  And if us “super” folk are ALWAYS taking those opportunities, then how will they be pushed to their potential?

So, I guess, what I’m saying is, SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE!  Leave that phone booth where it sits and go somewhere and be Clark Kent…be Diana Prince (your uncaped self).  What happens (and I’ve learned this) when you go and REST is that things will still get done.  Yep…they will!  And in the process of them getting done, you will be refreshed and renewed.

Another thing I’ve learned is that when I don’t take a rest, I  am drained…when I’m drained, I don’t operate to my full skill level…when I’m not operating on 100%, I can become grumpy.  I find myself complaining about doing what I volunteered (or allowed someone to volunteer) myself to do.  And that TOTALLY defeats the point of me helping.  2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”  Guess what…!!!  That scripture doesn’t just apply to monetary offerings (though that’s how we often use it in church), but it also applies to the offering of services as well.  If I’m complaining as I “give” then I am giving grudgingly and that is NOT acceptable to God.  I may as well just keep my grumpy self at home.  So what I’m saying is, know your own limits!

Again, I know that it’s difficult, but please note that if you wear yourself down then you are doing everyone else, AND yourself, a disservice.  If you have nothing left to give, then you really aren’t capable of giving.  Rest is your fuel…and food, food

 is fuel…be sure you’re eating well.  Just as you put gas in your car, you gotta be sure that you are not running (or not running) on fumes.  Take a break superperson!  You earned it…eat YOUR favorite snack.  Read YOUR favorite book.  Listen to YOUR favorite album.

Okay…so…what did we learn here today???

  1. Stuff will get done if YOU aren’t able to.

  2. You gotta SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE!

  3. It’s okay to park the phone booth (superhero stuff).

  4. You MUST get some rest!

  5. Make sure you’re eating like you should! (unless you’re fasting…then talk to Jesus about that one. Don’t be tellin Him that I made you go eat.)

  6. Oh yeah…REST!!!

“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Love y’all!  (I really do!)

Ms. A.M.White

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